
Revision as of 06:12, 25 December 2017 by TheSkald (talk | contribs) (Song Book)
From skaldsong companion
Battaglia Militancy
Inizio D'Oro ~ Est. 1025


  • Prima Famiglia
  • Grand Conductor
  • First Chairs
  • Knights


Berenice Terrazzo settled the spot of The Skald's arrival to found Battaglia, a guild dedicated to the preservation of their god's work. It was Berenice that composed the first parts of The Oratorio

Traditions and Relevant Lore

Song Book

The guild takes special attention and pride in enlisting bards, especially ones who can harness their music to bring the chants to life. This is reflected in the city's focus and the royal family's own lineage hosting a lot of musical talent. Below are common songs members are taught. They only hold power when a bard sings them, and only if they apply that power at the time. The songs are often referenced in casual conversation as reminders to their creeds and beliefs.

The songs are organized by power category, and lyrics are provided for ease of role-play and if applicable a link to it on YouTube.

NOTE: None of these songs are owned by SkaldSong RP except those expressed in The Oratorio.

Morale Boosters

  • Spark Inside Us - The Princess and the Goblin

There's a spark inside us
That we can all ignite
And all that's dark inside us
Will flicker into light

There's a power in every breath
There's a power in every note
A power that starts within the heart
A power that rises through the throat

And when it sails on through the air
More beautiful than any prayer
This power can right all wrong
And it will always thrill the ear
Of those who have the power to hear

The magic of a song

There's a strong inside us
That tells us wrong from right
Becomes the song inside us
To chase away the night

  • History Maker - Dean Fujioka

Can you feel my heart beat?
I'm tired of feeling I'


  • Lost in Thoughts All Alone - Fire Emblem Fates ([English cover by AmaLee])

You are an ocean of waves
Weaving a dream, like thoughts become a river stream
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time, to the path, yours to climb

Thou seek the light with an outstretched hand
A divine blade lies before you
So command the wake of dreams
To restore the world, cut 'way the seams

Join in our prayer - in our song - of birthrights and love
Come the sun, illuminate the sky
Pray that we may quell the dark
Light take the throne
Lost in thoughts all alone

You are an ocean of waves
Weaving a dream, like thoughts become a river stream
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time, to the path, yours to claim

Thou seek the dark with an unsheathed blade
Now a white ivory throne beckons
So obtain the fate you sow
On this path, be weary friend and foe

Join in the tale - in the blight - of conquest and lies
Come the sun, to tarnish in the sky
Vow that we shall tear the light
Dark seize the throne
Lost in thoughts all alone

May the chosen path lead way and grace you with virtue
But surely a balance awaits
So be it bliss or pain you gain
Beyond the route-way's end, you'll gain resilience and weakness
The trials - the thorn in your side - becomes the greatest strength in you

Descend into the abyss thou see
Where the hearts of many wander
Quietly, they wish and weave
Placing hope inside their one, pure dream

After the storm stills its wake,
May all be blessed, so the fate and fallen can find rest
Your will, the water reflects, so all will know
Your hands brought the morrow

You are an ocean of waves
Weaving a dream, like thoughts become a river stream
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time, to the path, yours to climb

You are an ocean of waves